Directions to the Prince of Tucson:
Not all GPS units acknowledge our correct address on 3501 North Freeway. Feel free to call our toll free number (1-800-955-3501) for driving directions.
Westbound traffic exit 254 Prince Rd. Merge to left turn lane, at traffic signal turn left onto Prince Rd, crossing over the freeway. Continue straight on Prince Rd to stop sign. At the stop sign turn left onto Business Center Drive and follow signage to the Prince of Tucson driveway.
Eastbound traffic exit 254 Prince Rd. and merge to far right lane. At Prince Rd. intersection turn right and continue to stop sign, then left on Business Center Drive, and follow signage to the Prince of Tucson's driveway.
Questions feel free to call us- 1-800-955-3501!

Prince of Tucson RV Park 520-887-3501
3501 North Freeway Rd. 800-955-3501
Tucson, AZ 85705